Labākais uztura bagātinātāju veikals
Šeikeris 600+150+200ml
Šeikeris 600+150+200ml
Šis ir labākais šeikeris pasaulē!
Esam radījuši parocīgāko šeikeri, kāds vien var būt. Šeikerim apakšā ir 2 nodalījumi, kur vari ielikt gan kapsulas, gan iebērt pulveri un to ērti ņemt līdz visur, kur dodies.
Būtu labi ja jūs uzstaisīsiet dažādās krāsās to toņos.
Tumši pelēku;
Brūnu pudeli ar violētu uzrakstu uz pudeles;
Dzeltenu pudeli ar violētu uzrakstu uz pudeles;
Baltu pudeli ar violētu uzrakstu uz pudeles.
Bet ar labiem sakoplektētiem toņiem.
Baigi labais 👍💪
Frequently asked questions
Get answers to questions you are interested in.
Yes, all our products are registered in PVD.
If you use the right ones, they will, so we recommend that you complete our test and discuss your needs with a consultant.
They are a good supplement to achieve the result faster, however, without physical activity, they will not give much result.
We have hundreds of reviews that can be viewed on TikTok and also here on the website.
Take our test and we will recommend.
For all customers who buy over 100 EUR, we assign our own consultant who will help with dosage matching.
For orders over 40 EUR
Secure payment system
Dispatch of the order on the same working day (For all orders received before 12:00)
For purchases over 100 EUR