Labākais uztura bagātinātāju veikals

Water engine 90 capsules

Water engine 90 capsules

Regular price €42,99
Sale price €42,99 Regular price
Sale Sold out
Tax included.

Removes edema, morning puffiness and expels excess water!

The product is made from natural ingredients, supplemented with a strong dose of caffeine.

The product helps:

  • Increase energy;
  • Reduce appetite;
  • Removes swelling and puffiness;

An excellent product for those on a diet, as well as those who wake up bloated in the morning.

Composition per 1 serving (2 capsules):
  • Nettle leaf extract 233.34mg
  • Dandelion root extract 233.34mg
  • Guarana seed extract 166.66mg
  • Goldenrod herb extract 133.34mg
  • Cranberry fruit extract 133.34mg
  • Green tea leaf extract 133.34mg
  • Horseradish herb extract 100mg
  • Anhydrous caffeine 94mg
  • Vitamin B6 12mg

The package is enough for 45 days.

The product is manufactured in the European Union according to the individual order of SIA Fitness.
The nutritional supplement does not replace a full and balanced diet

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Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews

Strādā izcili, neveidojas tūska kas bija iepriekš un ūdens izvadās liekais daudz ātrāk nekā pirms viņu sāku lietot.

Ineta Z.
Ūdensdzinējs kapsulas

Lietoju ūdensdzinējs kapsulas vēl pavisam neilgu laiku,bet jau droši varu teikt, redzu labas pārmaiņas, pietūkums sejā un ķermenī ir daudz mazāks, tātad notiek labas pārmaiņas,šo produktu kopā ar citiem noteikti
iegādāšos vēl!

ilmārs eglītis

Viss tika ātri piegādāts,lietoju jau no 3.janvāra.Pēc kāda laika varēšu ko vairāk pateikt,kad sāksies pārvērtības manā izskatā un pašsajūtā.


Izvada lieko šķidrumu


Palietoju nedēļu, vēdera izeja nebij normāla...


Cik daudz šķiedrvielas ir uzturā un, kas vēl tika lietots kopā ar šo produktu?


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to questions you are interested in.

Yes, all our products are registered in PVD.

If you use the right ones, they will, so we recommend that you complete our test and discuss your needs with a consultant.

They are a good supplement to achieve the result faster, however, without physical activity, they will not give much result.

We have hundreds of reviews that can be viewed on TikTok and also here on the website.

Take our test and we will recommend.

For all customers who buy over 100 EUR, we assign our own consultant who will help with dosage matching.


    For orders over 40 EUR

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    Dispatch of the order on the same working day (For all orders received before 12:00)


    For purchases over 100 EUR